October 2025: Voorstelling foto-en gedichtenboek 'Van alles de laatste' + expositie @ Bib. Beernem, C. Marichalstraat 1, October 11
October 2025: Publication of my work 'The sea watcher' on FotoNostrum Magazine + online exhibition @ 1ste edition of The FotoNostrum Choice Awards, Barcelona (Cat. People)
April 2025: Publication of my work 'Losing Our Minds' on FotoNostrum Magazine + online exhibition @ 1ste edition of The FotoNostrum Choice Awards, Barcelona (Cat. Culture & Community), April
February 2025: Boutersemse postzegels te koop vanaf 1 februari, gemeenteblad Boutersem Buitengewoon
February 2025: 3rd Black & White Athens Photography Festival, Febr. 22-29 with my work 'In the shadow of time', Fotoexpositie.nl
February 2025: Open Theme Exhibition @ Praxis Photographic Center Minneapolis (USA), Febr. 15 - March 8, Fotoexpositie.nl
February 2025: Selected for the "Beyond the Mirror' Exhibition (5,28'') @ Decagon Gallery, Brooklyn NY (USA), Febr., Fotoexpositie.nl
February 2025: Video "Beyond the Mirror' Exhibition (5,28'') @ Decagon Gallery, Brooklyn NY (USA), Febr.
February 2025: Publication of my work 'Zen at sea' on FotoNostrum Magazine and exhibition @ FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona (Spain) as Winner of the 1ste edition of The B&W FotoNostrum Choice Awards, Barcelona
February 2025: Onderneemster Ingrid stunt met animatiefilmpje, Het Nieuwsblad, Vanessa Dekeyzer, Febr. 8
February 2025: Riviertijd - Donker je wolken, Rootstime, by Valsam, Febr.
February 2025: Riviertijd - Donker je wolken, Maxazine.nl, by Norman van den Wildenberg, Febr.
January 2025: Riviertijd - Donker je wolken, Snoozecontrol (3300 RPM Records/Sweet Sounds vzw, by Van Muylem, Jan 30
January 2025: Riviertijd - Donker je wolken, Luminous Dash, Muziekzine, by Bart Verlent, Jan.30
January 2025: Nieuw album van Riviertijd combineert muziek, fotografie en dichtkunst, Het Nieuwsblad, Vanessa Dekeyzer, January 27
January 2025: Release of music album 'Donker je wolken' by Riviertijd, inspired by photos of Eddy Verloes and poems of Geert Jan Beeckman
January 2025: Even voorstellen - Riviertijd - Donker je wolken, Musiczine, Johan Meurisse, Jan. 16
January 2025: 'White' Exposition @ Blank Wall Gallery Athens (Greece), January 10- 22, Fotoexpositie.nl
January 2025: C-Mine Genk by Eddy Verloes, All About Photo, January 11
December 2024: Eddy Verloes, "Photographer of the week", Week 52 (Dec.23 - 29), by Sandrine Hermand-Grisel, All About Photography
December 2024: Eddy Verloes mag opnieuw prestigieuze prijs in ontvangst nemen: "Van een verrassing gesproken", Het Nieuwsblad, Dec.19
December 2024: Boutersems fotograaf wint alweer internationale prijs: "Ik maakte foto stoemelings op expo Arno", Hageland Actueel, Dec.18
De Universiteit van Boutersem met o.a. 'Léon Spilliaert door de ogen van fotograaf Eddy Verloes', CC Boutersem (Bib.), December 4 @ 8pm
De Woordenwevers - met acht auteurs op de sofa (en foto's van Eddy Verloes), CC Boutersem (zaal Iris), November 20 @ 8pm
October 2024: 'Het oog luistert' : In gesprek met fotograaf Eddy Verloes, CC Boutersem /Bib.(België), Oktober 23 @ 8pm, Fotoexpositie.nl
September 2024: 'Het oog luistert' : In gesprek met fotograaf Eddy Verloes, CC Boutersem (Bib), Oktober 23 @ 8pm, Uit in Vlaanderen
September 2024: Solo exhibition 'La condition humaine' (I always wanted to see the sea) @ Fotoexpositie.nl
August 2024: 'Framed: Shadow and Light' Exhibition @ Black Box Gallery, Portland (USA), September 1 - 25, Fotoexpositie.nl
July 2024: "Internationaal gelauwerde fotograaf Eddy Verloes", Interview in Passe Partout Tienen, door Dirk Desmet, July 23
June 2024: "Ik heb niets op mijn bucketlist staan en laat alles op me afkomen", Interview met fotograaf Eddy Verloes, Thema , Dirk Desmet
May 2024: Exhibition catalogue (p.34) for the 'town and country' online exhibition from May 24 - July 4 , A Smith Gallery, Texas (USA)
May 2024: Publication of 'I sea you' (31p.) a comparative study by Emma Van Renterghem (Student Photographer at the Luca School of Arts - Brussels) about the photographic work of Tom Deleenheer, Eddy Verloes, Harry Gruyaert and Emma Van Renterghem.
May 2024: 'Town & county exhibition' @ ASmith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas (USA), May 24 - July 4, Fotoexpositie.nl
April 2024: Publication of 'Is this the end' (p.70) in the Black and White Spider Awards Winner Book 2024
April 2024: Publication of 'I wanna be your queen' (p.110) in the Black and White Spider Awards Winners Book 2024
March 2024: Quite Landscape Exhibition, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont (USA), April 5 - 26, Fotoexpositie.nl
March 2024: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes gevierd als eerste levende ereburger van Boutersem, Vanessa Dekeyzer, Het Nieuwsblad, March 24.
March 2024: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes tot ereburger van Boutersem benoemd met tentoonstelling in ontwijde kerk van Neervelp, ROB, March 22
March 2024: Boutersems fotograaf wordt ereburger: "Het is een hele eer", Leuven Actueel, Dirk Desmet, March 21
March 2024: Boutersems fotograaf wordt ereburger: "Het is een hele eer", Hageland Actueel, Dirk Desmet, March 21
March 2024: Black & White Exhibition, Praxis Photographic Arts Center Minneapolis, March 16 - April 13, Fotoexpositie.nl
March 2024: "Exposition Rencontres photographiques : Les aristides", Centre culturel de Waremme, 8-10 mars, Culturius
March 2024: "Rencontres photographiques: Les artistides", Centre culturel de Waremme, 8-10 mars, Culture Liège
March 2024: "Les artistides" : Rencontres photographiques, Centre culturel de Waremme, 8-10 mars, Ville de Waremme
March 2024: Rencontres photographiques @ Passage 9, Centre culturel de Waremme, 8-10 mars, Fotoexpositie.nl
February 2024: Losing Our Minds/ Buiten zinnen/ 'Hors de soi', Poèmes traduits du néerlandais par Daniel Cunin, La Forge n°2, 28 Février
February 2024: Dance of the Sea Exhibition @ Anmigo Gallery Oostende (Belgium), Jan. 4 - Febr. 25, Fotoexpositie.nl
January 2024: 'Landscape Exhibition' @ Praxis Gallery & Photo Arts Center St.Paul, Minneapolis, Jan. 20 - Feb. 10, Fotoexpositie.nl
January 2024: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes verkozen tot ereburger, HLN, Kristien Bollen, January 12
Januari 2024: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes verkozen tot ereburger van Boutersem 2023, uit: Boutersem Buitengewoon, January 10
December 2023: Dance of the Sea Exhibition @ Anmigo Gallery Oostende (Belgium), Jan. 4 - Febr. 25, Fotoexpositie.nl
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes wordt Ereburger van Boutersem, ROB-TV, by Lennert Van Caster, December 22
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes wordt Ereburger van Boutersem, Leuven Actueel, by Dirk Desmet, December 22
December 2023: Eddy Verloes is Ereburger van Boutersem, Het Nieuwsblad, by Vanessa Dekeyzer, December 22
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes wordt Ereburger van Boutersem, Leuven Actueel, by Dirk Desmet, December 22
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes wordt Ereburger van Boutersem, Tienen Actueel, by Dirk Desmet, December 22
December 2023: 'Light & Shadow ' Exhibition @ The Glasgow Gallery of Photography, December 2 - 23, Fotoexpositie.nl
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes exposeert zijn werk in 2024 aan sjeiks en ander schoon volk in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Leuven Actueel, by Dirk Desmet, December 5
December 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes exposeert zijn werk in 2024 aan sjeiks en ander schoon volk in de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Hageland Actueel, by Dirk Desmet, December 4
October 2023: 'Landscape' Exhibition @ Blank Wall Gallery Athens (Greece), November 26 - December 6, Fotoexpositie.nl
October 2023: Une seconde édition pour les 'Aristides', rencontres photographiques de Waremme, L'Avenir, Octobre 10
September 2023: 'Monochrome' Exhibition @ PH21 Contemporary Photography Gallery, Budapest, October 19 - Nov. 11, Fotoexpositie.nl
September 2023: 'Portrait Beyond Faces' Exhibition @ PH21 Contemporary Photography Gallery, Budapest, Sept. 21 - Oct.14, Fotoexpositie.nl
September 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes valt tot zijn verbazing opnieuw in de prijzen, Het Nieuwsblad, Vanessa Dekeyzer, Sept.15
September 2023: Photograph of Orthodox Jews Wins Top Photography Award, by Axel Abel, in: Jew in the City, Arts & Culture News, Sept. 14
September 2023: Joyful photo of young orthodox jews wins Great Photo Awards 2023, by Alex Baker, September 13
September 2023: 'Night Photography' Exhibition @ Blank Wall Gallery, Athens (Greece), October 20 - November 1, Fotoexpositie.nl
September 2023: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem wint opnieuw prijs, ROB-TV, September 13
September 2023: Boutersemse fotograaf wint prestigieuze prijs in Griekenland, Leuven Actueel, Dirk Desmet, September 13
September 2023: Boutersemse fotograaf wint prestigieuze prijs in Griekenland, Tienen Actueel, Dirk Desmet, September 13
September 2023; Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds solo exhibition @ CC Hasselt - Sept. 10 - Nov. 12, Uit in Hasselt,
September 2023, Solo exhibition Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds @ CC Hasselt - Sept.10 - Nov. 12, Programma CC Hasselt
September 2023: 'The Decisive Moment' Exhibition @ PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont (USA), September 7-27, Fotoexpositie.nl
August 2023: 'Crashes and Crushes' , by Thierry Coljon , Le Soir, journaliste au service Culture, August 29
August 2023: 'Time Exhibition' @ PH21 Contemporary Photography Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), August 24 - Sept. 16, Fotoexpositie.nl
August 2023: 'In-between moments Exhibition' @ Praxis Gallery, St.Paul, Minneapolis (USA), August 19 - Sept. 2, Fotoexpositie.nl
August 2023: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds solo exhibition @ CC Hasselt from September 10 - November 12, Fotoexpositie.nl
July 2023: Review of "Aardelingen", by Bert Bevers - De Boekhouding (Vereniging van Vlaamse Letterkundigen), 2023-07-10
June 2023: Black & White Spider Awards Winners Book 2023, p. 70/75/76
June 2023: Internationaal Fotofestival Pelt: winnaars
April 2023: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" (Photography,Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town ), CC Binder Puurs - Sint-Amands, April 30 @ 11.00 pm
April 2023: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds (Photography,Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town ), CC Diest, April 25 @ 8.00pm
April 2023: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds (Photography,Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town), CC 't Schaliken Herentals, April 8 @ 8.00pm
April 2023: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" (Photography,Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town ), CC De Brouckère Torhout, April 7 @ 8.00 pm
April 2023: Exhibition "Buiten zinnen/losing Our Minds" @ CC De Brouckère Torhout (Belgium), Aartrijkestraat 6, April 7 - May 6
April 2023: Laatste album voor muzikanten van The river curls around the town (photo by Eddy Verloes), Het Nieuwsblad, April 4
March 2023: The river curls around the town - Crashes and Crushes (photos by Eddy Verloes), Dash Muziekzine, by Bart Verlent, March 31
March 2023: 'Crashes and crushes', a new double album by The river curls around the town (photos: Eddy Verloes), March 31
March 2023: Vernissage with Boogie Boy & Hervé Martens @ Exhibition "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" CC Binder Puurs, March 12 @ 3pm
March 2023: Exhibition "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" @ CC Binder Puurs - Sint-Amands (Belgium), March 11 - April 30
February 2023: Review of "Aardelingen": Men hoopt op iets buitenaards om aan te raken, by Alain Delmotte in 'De schaal van Dighter', Feb. 11
February 2023: Review of "Aardelingen: foto's, gedichten en muziek", by Patrick Auwelaert in 'Doorbraak', February 4
February 2023: Exhibition @ Agora Gallery NY (USA) as Winner of The Chelsea Intern. Photography Competition 2021/2022, Feb.23 - March 1
January 2023: Finalist Life Framer Humans of the World Competition, judged by Amanda Hajjar, Founding Director of Fotografiska NY
December 2022: Review of "Aardelingen/Earthlings" by Dietske Geerlings in "Tzum", 27/12/2022
December 2022: Fotograaf Eddy valt opnieuw in de prijzen: "Het sprookje blijft maar duren", Het Nieuwsblad, December 2, Vanessa Dekeyzer
November 2022: Video ROB-TV: Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem wordt 'Photographer of the Year' bij prestigieuze Amerikaanse fotowedstrijd.
November 2022: Eddy Verloes, Photographer of the Year 2022 in Beverly Hills, Hageland Actueel, November 27
November 2022: Video (from 31.55 till 33.50) : Influx Gallery London, one the biggest online galeries in the world, presents my work,
October 2022: Winners of The 'One Shot' reFocus Awards 2022, South China Morning Post, October 5
September 2022: Article in 'The Times' about Losing Our Minds (Winner reFocus Awards), September 28
September 2022: Interview with Eddy Verloes: 1st Place (Overall Contest Winner) @ the reFocus 'One Shot Contest' Award, September 13
September 2022: Director's Award: a conversation with Eddy Verloes by Kevin Tully, Gallery Director of A Smith Gallery (Texas), USA
August 2022: Interview with street photographer Eddy Verloes, by Vincent Dupont-Blackshaw
June 2022: Tentoonstelling 'In omzien' , Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen
June 2022: Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen en fotograaf Eddy Verloes lanceren samen het project In omzien, HLN, Kristien Bollen, June 27
June 2022: Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen en fotograaf Eddy Verloes lanceren samen het project 'In omzien', Het Nieuwsblad, Vanessa Dekeyzer
June 2022: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes begeleidt creativiteitsproject Alexianen Zorggroep, Hageland Actueel, Rik Poulman, June 24
June 2022: Fototentoonstelling bij Alexianen is aanzet tot film en cd, Het Nieuwsblad, Raymond Billen, June 24
June 2022: Selected for the International A/Symmetrical Photography Exhibition @ PH21 Gallery Rome (Italy), June 10-20
May 2022: Selected for the Rotterdam Photo Festival 2022 (The human blueprint), May 18-22
May 2022: Gold Winner London Photography Awards 2022 (Black & White Photography - Religious) with my series 'Losing Our Minds', London
May 2022: Gold Winner London Photography Awards 2022 ( People Photography - Religious) with my series 'Losing Our Minds', London (UK)
May 2022: Publication of my series "Losing Our Minds" in Artdoc Photography Magazine
May 2022: Selected for the Monochrome Exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), May 5-28
April 2022: "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" (Photography, Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town), CC De Kruisboog, Tienen (Belgium), April 29 @ 8.15 pm
April 2022: Selected for the Photo Place Gallery's Exhibition catalog "Dreams and Imaginings" @ Middlebury, Vermont (USA), April 28 - May 21
April 2022: "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" (Photography,Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town ), CC De Grote Post, Oostende (Belgium), April 22 @ 8.00 pm
March 2022: Eddy Verloes inspireert Jef Neve, Kunstenpunt Muziek, Muzikaal persoverzicht, March 31
March 2022: Jef Neve laat zich inspireren door gedichten en foto's van Eddy Verloes, Kunstenpunt Muziek, Muzikaal persoverzicht, March 31
March 2022: Eddy Verloes inspireert Jef Neve, De Standaard, March 31
March 2022: Jef Neve laat zich inspireren door gedichten en foto's van Eddy Verloes, Het Nieuwsblad, March 26
March 2022: Componist Jef Neve laat zich inspireren door foto's van Eddy Verloes en gedichten van Geert Jan Beeckman, Hageland Actueel
March 2022: Selected as Winner of The Chelsea Intern. Photography Competition 2021/2022, New York (USA), Agora Gallery, 2023, Jan 4-17
March 2022: 'Losing Our Minds' published in Artdoc Photography Magazine ISSUE #1, 2022, The Artivists, p.46-47
March 2022: Winner of The Chelsea International Photography Competition 2021/2022, New York (USA), Agora Gallery, NY, 2023, Jan 4-17
March 2022: Selected for the group exhibition 'HAVET' @ Gemeentehuis Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Lemanstraat 63 (Belgium), March 13 - April 3
March 2022: Solo exhibition 'Losing Our Minds' @ Space Place Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nizhny Tagil, Ural, Russia, March 11 - 27
March 2022: Selected for the Personality: Contemporary Portraiture Exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), March 10 - April 2
March 2022: "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" (Photography, Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town), Arenberg, Antwerpen (Belgium), March 9 @ 8.30 pm
March 2022: Ondanks oorlog stelt fotograaf Eddy Verloes toch tentoon in Rusland: "Culturele boycot is geen goed idee", Hageland Actueel
March 2022: Try out "Buiten zinnen/losing Our Minds" (Photography, Poetry & Music - Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, Geert van Istendael, The river curls around the town), GC De Linde, Haren (Belgium), March 5 @ 8.00 pm
March 2022: Beeld, klank en woord in de voorstelling 'Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds', Nel Mertens, Luminous Dash Magazine, March 2
February 2022: Rumoer stelt voor: Losing Our Minds/Buiten zinnen: Benno Barnard - Geert van Istendael - Eddy Verloes, Front View Magazine
February 2022: Exhibition 'Butterfly Effect', Contemporary Art Curator Magazine, February 23 - July 23
February 2022: Expo Buiten zinnen, De Bib Leuven, February 28
February 2022: Losing Our Minds/Buiten zinnen: een uitzonderlijk triumviraat van fotografie, poëzie en muziek, Snoozecontrole.be, Feb. 27
February 2022: "Buiten zinnen in de Bib Leuven met fotoreeks" , De Zondag p. 22, February 6
February 2022: Selected for the Photo Place Gallery Exhibition, 'Traces' - Middlebury (Vermont), USA - February 5 - Feb. 25
January 2022: Internationaal gelauwerde expo 'Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds' doet Bib Leuven aan, HLN, Evert Wouters, January 30
January 2022: Internationaal gelauwerde expo 'Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds' in de Bib Leuven, Pers Leuven, January 28
January 2022: Exhibition "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" Bib. Leuven (Belgium) , Rijschoolstraat 4, Leuven, January 20 - February 12
January 2022: Selected for the "Light in Darkness Exhibition" in Artdoc Photography Magazine
January 2022: Winner 17th Pollux Awards 2021 (Open Theme - series), Barcelona (Spain)
January 2022: Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem nu met zijn project "Buiten zinnen" ook in de Bib Tweebronnen Leuven, Hageland Actueel, Jan. 18
January 2022: Selected for the Int. Photogr. Exh. "The Shadow Aspect" @ Praxis Gallery/ Photographic Arts Center, Minneapolis, Jan. 15 - 29
January 2022: Selected for the Photographic Visions 2022 Winter Exhibition, PH21 Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), Jan. 13 - Feb. 5
January 2022: 3rd Place Winner (Photojournalism) Monochrome Photography Awards 2021, London (UK)
January 2022: Mechelse kleinkunstenaars willen podium bestormen, RTV @ Artmut Gallery Mechelen
January 2022: Selected for the "Open Exhibition" @ SE Center for Photography, Greenville (South Carolina), Jan 7- 29
January 2022: Selected for the "Portals Exhibition" @ The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA), 2022 Jan 6 - Jan 30
January 2022: Het strand volgens Eddy Verloes @ Artmut Gallery Mechelen, Jan. 4 - Veerle Deknopper
December 2021: Reportage Stadstelevisie Mechelen over expo in Gallery Artmut Mechelen, December 15 - Jan. 23
December 2021: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes sluit 2021 succesvol af in Mechelen, Hageland Actueel, December 19
December 2021: Selected for the "Don't make me laugh" Intern. Photography Exhibition @ Praxis Gallery, Photographic Arts Center, Minneapolis, Dec.18 - Jan 3 (2022)
December 2021: Selected for the "Dis/harmony International Photography exhibition" @ PH21 Gallery, Budapest, December 16 - January 8
December 2021: Winner of the Union of Lights 2021 World Photography Contest ("Street & Lifestyle") with "Losing Our Minds"
December 2021: Finalist LensCulture Art Photography Awards 2022
November 2021: Selected for the 100 best triptychs of 3SHOTS Festival, Milano (Italy), Nov 18 - 20 with 2 series: Losing Our Minds & A moment with Nick Cave
November 2021: Selected for the "-scapes International Photography exhibition" @ PH21 Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), Nov. 18 - December 11
November 2021: Winner 16th Annual Black & White Spider Awards 2021, ( "Children of the world" + "People"), Beverly Hills (California)
November 2021: Selected for Circle Foundation Art Press, Fall 2021, p.94 "An examination of current trends and original practices in visual art"
October 2021: Winner/"Remarkable Artwork" @ Siena International Photo Awards 2021 (Fascinating faces and characters), Oct. 23 - Dec.5
October 2021: Selected for the "Fine Art Exhibition" @ Blank Wall Gallery, Athens (Greece), October 29 - November 10
October 2021: "Having fun under the sun" , Publication of my series "Life's a beach" @ Edge of Humanity Magazine, October 24
October 2021: Selected for the "Significant Colour" International Photography exhibition @ PH21 Gallery, Budapest, October 21- November 13
October 2021: Exhibition "Zeezuchten" Bib. Canticleer De Haan (Belgian coast), Grotestraat 10, October 16 - November 30
October 2021: Eddy Verloes, Matchmaker/lesgevers Breedbeeld
October 2021: Selected for the publication in the 7th Issue of Circle Quarterly Art Review with "Losing Our Minds", Lyon (France)
October 2021: Selected for the "World in Motion" exhibition @ The SE Center for Photography, Greenville (South Carolina), October 1 - 30
October 2021: "Winnende Belg in Italië" (Creative Photo Awards 2021), SHOOT, okt. 2021, p. 14-15
September 2021: "Buiten zinnen - Losing our Minds" review @ "Music in Belgium", September 30
September 2021: Review "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds", Christenen voor Israël, Joanne Nihon, September 27
September 2021: Selected for the "Portraits without faces" International Photography exhibition @ PH21 Gallery, Budapest, Sept. 23 - Oct. 16
September 2021: Selected for the Photo Place Gallery's exhibition 'Essential Water' in Middlebury, Vermont (USA), Sept.17 - October 8
September 2021:Selected as Top 20 Finalist for the Summer 2021 edition of FOCUS Photo L.A., Los Angeles (USA), September 17-19
September 2021: Director's Honorable Mention @ "Water" Exhibition, A Smith Gallery, Texas (USA), September 10 - October 31
September 2021: Selected for the "Portals exhibition" @ The SE Center for Photography, Greenville (South Carolina), September 3-30
September 2021: Review Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds - "Vervreemding in woord, beeld en toon", Dietske Geerlings
September 2021: Benno Barnard en Eddy Verloes: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds, review in Tzum, September 3
Augustus 2021: Review "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds", Bib. Turnhout, Drs. B. Hummel
August 2021: Selected for the PH21 Gallery's "Motion" exhibition, Budapest, August 26 - September 18
August 2021: Topfotograaf Eddy Verloes is kanshebber voor hoofdprijs internationale wedstrijd in L.A., August 24, Hageland Actueel
August 2021: Review of "Losing Our Minds/Buiten zinnen" in the American Magazine Music Connection, August 23
August 2021: Exhibition "We'll meet again" in concert with Bart Watté + Carlo Willems & Koen Wilmaers Percussion- Church of Butsel, Boutersem - August 20 + 21 @ 1pm-5pm with support of Flanders Department of Culture, Youth & Media
August 2021: Drie artiesten maken compositie bij foto's van internationaal bekende fotograaf Eddy Verloes voor expo op 21 en 22 aug., HLN
August 2021: Drie muzikale toppers brengen wereldcreatie bij foto's van Eddy Verloes in de kerk van Butsel, August 14, Hageland Actueel
July 2021: Winners Siena Creative Photo Awards 2021 - Youtube
July 2021: 2nd Place Photojournalism with my series "Losing Our Minds" @ MonoVisions Awards Contest 2021, London
July 2021: 2 Nominations in "Landscapes" with "Foggy Flemish Landscape" & "Only birds are free" @ MonoVisions Awards 2021, London
July 2021: Selected for the PH21 Gallery's Photographic Visions 2021 exhibition, Budapest , July 29 - August 18
July 2021: Review Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds @ Doorbraak by Frank Hellemans - July 14
July 2021: Review Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds @ Music Magazine "Keys and chords" - July 11
June 2021: Selected for the Rotterdam Photo Festival (Theme: Planet Human), The Netherlands, June 30 - July 4
June 2021: Siena-thing you like? Here are the year's top art photography shots, Digitalrev, June 29
June 2021: Exhibition "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" photos of Eddy Verloes, poems of Benno Barnard, music of The river curls around the town - Maagdenhuismuseum, Lange Gasthuisstraat 33, Antwerp (Belgium) -June 28 - August 15
June 2021: Book + cd presentation "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" with Benno Barnard & Geert van Istendael & The river curls around the town- Maagdenhuismuseum, Lange Gasthuisstraat 33, Antwerp (Belgium)- June 27
June 2021: Expo in Maagdenhuis geeft unieke kijk op de Joodse wereld - GVA , Patrick De Roo -June 27
June 2021: Prijswinnende fotoreeks van Boutersemse fotograaf resulteert in totaalproject... - HLN - June 27
June 2021: Winners of Creative Photo Siena Awards 2021 revealed @ The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong based newspaper, June 23
June 2021: Interview "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" with Eddy Verloes, Benno Barnard, The river curls around the town @ e-zine Roer.Land
June 2021: Boogie Boy opent vernissage fotograaf Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem - Hageland Actueel, June 22
June 2021: Malta International Photo Award 2020/2021 - Award Winner
June 2021: VTM news - Viroloog Marc Van Ranst pas terug thuis en kiest onmiddellijk voor "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" - June 21
June 2021: The river curls around the town - Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds - DaMusic - June 20
June 2021: Tienen - Tel Aviv - TienenTroef by Chris Francois - June 20
June 2021: Maagdenhuis pakt uit met foto-expo over Joodse cultuur - HLN Antwerpen, June 18
June 2021: Outstanding artistic photos, winners of International Siena Creative Photography Awards 2021, The Voice of Vietnam, June 15
June 2021: Las mejores fotografías creativas del mundo - Tendencias Hoy - June 14
June 2021:25 Outstanding Artistic Photos. Winners Of International Siena Creative Photography Awards 2021, June 13
June 2021: Review in China: 25 Outstanding Artistic Photos, winners of the International Siena Creative Photography Awards 2021, June 13
June 2021: Eddy Verloes winner Siena Creative Photo Awards 2021 (Open theme)
June 2021: 25 photos artistiques exceptionnelles, lauréates des International Siena Creative Photography Awards 2021 - UK Time News
June 2021: Eddy Verloes winner of the Siena Creative Photo Awards 2021 (Open theme) - Fotopolis Poland
June 2021: Belgische Eddy Verloes wint Siena Creative Photo Awards - Shoot June 2021
June 2021: All-About-Photo: Winners of the Siena Creative Photo Awards 2021
June 2021: Exhibition Photo Place Gallery, ("In celebration of trees") - Middlebury (Vermont), USA - June 25 - July 16
June 2021: Rootstime - review "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" - 07/06/2021
June 2021: Oh, cuando necesitas un refugio y encuentras los Siena Creative Photo Awards- 08/06/2021- Phusions
June 2021: Die Gewinnerfotos der Creative Photo Awards 2021 - Der Standard
June 2021: Winners of the Siena Creative Photo Awards 2021
June 2021: Winners of the Siena Creative Photo Award 2021 revealed - 09/06/2021
June 2021: Siena Creative Photo Award has just announced his winners
June 2021: Winner Siena International Creative Photo Award (Italy) @ the historical Teatro dei Rinnovati di Siena - Oct. 24 - Dec. 5
June 2021: Winner Siena International Creative Photo Award (Italy), Phusions, by Xavi Gasso (Spain)
June 2021: "Fotograaf blijft de prijzen maar aan mekaar rijgen: "Een grotere eer kan me niet te beurt vallen" - Het Nieuwsblad - 07/06/2021
June 2021: ROB-TV : Fotograaf Eddy Verloes valt opnieuw in de prijzen in het Italiaanse Siena - 07/06/2021
June 2021: Photographer in focus with my series "Losing Our Minds" @ International Photo Festival Pelt (Belgium) - June 6 - September 30
June 2021: Opening International Photo Festival Pelt (Belgium) - Local TV - June 6
June 2021: Interview @International Photo Festival Pelt (Belgium) - June 6 until September 30
June 2021: Interview with TV Limburg: "Lens op de Mens in tijden van corona op Pelts Fotofestival"
May 2021: Radio Singjaal Leuven - Interview Eddy Verloes/Jan Vanwinckel - Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds - (From minute 32',30'') - May 27
May 2021: Musiczine - review "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" - 22/05/2021
May 2021: Luminous Dash album review "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" & The river curls around the town - 20/05/2021 by Bart Verlent
May 2021: Foto- en gedichtenboek met cd zijn een feit (Het Nieuwsblad, 15/05/2021)
May 2021: Fotograaf Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem breekt met "Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds" alle records, Hageland Actueel, 07/05/2021
May 2021: Buiten zinnen/Losing Our Minds - Poëziecentrum Gent
May 2021: Selected for the PhotoPlace Gallery's "Composed" exhibition, Middlebury, Vermont - USA - May 28 - June 18
May 2021: Selected for the "Stories: Narrative Photography" exhibition @ PH21 Photography Gallery, Budapest (Hungary), May 6 - 26
April 2021: 4th Annual Intern. 'New Horizons: Landscapes 2021' exhibition @ 3 Square Art Gallery, Fort Collins, Colorado - April 23-May 21
April 2021: 4 Honorable Mentions (Open theme) with "Losing Our Minds" @ Vienna International Photo Awards, April 20, FotoCult Magazin
April 2021: Nominee for the 7th Fine Art Photography Awards Competition (People) with my series "Losing Our Minds" - April
April 2021: Selected for The International Art Fair Venice 2021, April 1 - May 7, 2021 - "The Body Language"
March 2021: Tiense band maakt unieke cd bij fotoboek, Het Nieuwsblad, 19/03/2021
March 2021: Tiense band The river curls around the town gaat Buiten zinnen, Musiczine, 17/03/2021
March 2021: The river curls around the town werkt samen met Eddy Verloes en Benno Barnard, Luminous Dash, Muziekzine, 16/03/2021
March 2021: Tiense muzikanten schrijven muziek bij de foto's van fotograaf Eddy Verloes uit Boutersem - HLN, 15/03/2021
March 2021: Onverwachte tournee van streekgenoten langs culturele centra - Hageland Actueel, Rik Poulman, 15/03/2021
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Dodho magazine, Barcelona (Spain)
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Art -Vibes, Italy
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in All About Photo - Medium, USA
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" @ Pinterest - All About Photo (USA)
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Arts Calender, USA
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Visura, USA
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Private Photo Review, USA
March 2021: Publication "Losing Our Minds" in Art.Base, USA
March 2021: Solo Exhibition in All-About-Photo (California) curated by Sandrine Hermand Grisel - March 1 to March 31
March 2021: "Memory Art exhibition @ SE Center for Photography, Greenville (South Carolina) - USA
February 2021: Exhibition "Nature Art Show" @ Grey Cube Gallery Berlin
February 2021: APA (Annual Photography Awards) Winner (Category: Street) with "Losing Our Minds", London
February 2021: IPA (International Photography Awards), Honorable Mention with "The sea watcher" (Losing Our Minds), Los Angeles
February 2021: Selected for the Shortlist Siena International Photo Awards 2021
February 2021: Director's Award for "Life" exhibition @ A Smith Gallery, Texas (USA)- Feb. 26 - April 11
February 2021: Selected for the PhotoPlace Gallery's "Photo Noir" exhibition, Middlebury, Vermont - USA - Feb.26 - March 19
February 2021: Winner Travel Photographer of the Year 2021, Fotografie.nl, February 1st
January 2021: Selected for the "Black & White Art exhibition" - Art Room Gallery (Berlin), Germany
January 2021: Selected for the "Faces Art Exhibition" @ Art Room Gallery (Berlin), Germany
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020", Best Single Image (category "People of the World") - article in The Daily Mail
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020", Best Single Image (category "People of the World") - video ROB-TV
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - VRT
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photograper of the Year 2020" - CNN report
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - The Guardian
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Hageland Actueel
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Het Nieuwsblad
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - HLN
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Het Nieuwsblad
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Fotografie.nl
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Photo Geo.fr
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - escape.au
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Digital Camera World
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - Der Spiegel
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - xatakafoto.es
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - whatsnew2day.us
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - vagopersvago.it
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - ria.ru
January 2021: Winner "Travel Photographer of the Year 2020" - sputniknews.cn
December 2020: Selected for the Feature Emerging Photography Award
December 2020: Finalist "Shades of Black & White" exhibition @ SE Center for Photography, Greenville (South Carolina) - USA
December 2020: Finalist A Smith Gallery's "chair" exhibition (Texas) - 2021 Jan 8 - Feb 21
December 2020: Cover photo "Bridge over misty water" for "The river curls around the town" (Bart Bekker & Jan Vanwinckel)
November 2020: Juror's Award for "Foggy Flemish Landscape" in the exhibition 'Finding the Light', Photo Place Gallery, Middlebury, Vermont
November 2020: Selected for the Life Framer Collection
November 2020: Finalist @ ND Photography Awards (Photojournalism/Story) 2020, with my series "Losing Our Minds", United Kingdom
November 2020: Finalist @ ND Photography Awards (Street Photography) 2020, with my series "Dreams behind bars", United Kingdom
November 2020: Finalist with "Losing our minds" for "Photo of the Day" (November 2) @ Don't Take Pictures magazine, New York.
November 2020: Photo "We'll meet again" - Pastorale zone Sjalom Boutersem - All Saints Day, livestreaming (33.30) - Vertrijk
October 2020: Finalist "Portals: Windows, Mirrors, Doors" - exhibition in the PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury (Vermont)- Nov.26 - Dec.26
October 2020: Finalist with "Losing our minds" for "A Picture Show" (Image & Identity) @ the Black Box Gallery (Portland)
September 2020: "Een spel kaarten" (Dagboekaantekeningen) met Benno Barnard & Eddy Verloes, Doorbraak, September 29
September 2020: Selected with "Rider on a horse"@ Duncan Miller Gallery, Santa Monica (California)
September 2020: Winner Life Framer Photo Contest 2020 (Theme: "Civilization") with "Losing our minds", judged by Tate Modern's Curator of International Art and Photography Emma Lewis
September 2020: Project "Perdu/Retrouvé" - Rectory Meldert (Hoegaarden) - exhibition 5-6-12-13-19-20/09
September 2020: Winner @ 3. Fotowettbewerb des Museums Synagoge Gröbzig (Jüdisch-Christliche Verbindungen in unserem Umfeld)
September 2020: Finalist Atlanta Photography Group in the Tula Art Center ("Strange time") with "Losing our minds" (Atlanta)
September 2020: Finalist A Smith Gallery's "light" exhibition (Texas) - Oct 31 - Nov 15
September 2020: Book presentation "Zeezuchten" (Sea sighs)
August 2020: Selected as one of the best contemporary photographers worldwide at the American site All-About-Photo
August 2020: Selected as one of the 25 Winners at the All-About-Photo Contest B&W - Published in AAP Magazine #12 (California)
August 2020: Winner Open Call 2020 ("Fine Art") Lucie Foundation (Los Angeles) - printed in the Musée Magazine + exhibition Fall
August 2020: Winner Antwerp International Photography Festival - exhibition @ FOMU + Handelsbeurs Antwerp (Belgium) - Sept 1 - 27
August 2020: "Losing our mind" published in EYE-Photo Magazine #September 2020 (Austria)
August 2020: Eddy Verloes scoort internationaal met Joodse stranduitstap, Het Nieuwsblad, August 6
July 2020: Shortlist Athens Photo Festival (Greece) - exhibition @ Benaki Museum - Pireos 138 (Athen)- Sept.16 - Nov.15
July 2020: Finalist "PhotoPlace Gallery" (Landscape) exhibition in Middlebury (Vermont) - 2020 August 20 - Sept.1
July 2020: Catalog "PhotoPlace Gallery" Landscape exhibition, Middlebury (Vermont)
July 2020: 2.Prize Vienna International Photo Awards 2020 ("Free subject") - exhibition @ Galerie LIK in Vienna - Sept 6 - Dec 20
July 2020: Vienna International Photo Award Trophy und Gesamtsieger
July 2020: Finalist "New York Center for Photographic Art" - exhibition in NY - "Luminosity - The beauty of light"
July 2020: Laureate "Grote Prijs Sociale Fotografie" (Belgium) - exhibition in Ghent, 2021 Jan 15 - Feb 15
July 2020: Finalist Photo Festival InCadaqués 2020 - Cadaqués (Spain) - exhibition 2020 Oct.15 - Oct.25
July 2020: Finalist Passepartout Photography Prize 2020 - Rome (Italy) - exhibition @ Piazza di Pietra Gallery in Rome (2021)
July 2020: Passepartout Fine Art Gallery, Rome (Italy)
July 2020: Passepartout fotobeloning wedstrijd
July 2020: Passepartout catalogue, p.50
June 2020:Fotograaf Eddy Verloes breekt internationaal door met fotoreeks over ultraorthodoxe Joden, HLN, June 30
June 2020: Selection "Losing Our Minds" @ Duncan Miller Gallery, Santa Monica (California)
April 2020: Quarantaine images & stories by 1x.members
March 2020: Prix du Jury du 11ième Concours de Photographie France (Toulouse)
March 2020: Kunstfotograaf Eddy Verloes wint eerste prijs in Toulouse: al mijn foto's vertellen een verhaal, Het Nieuwsblad, March 29
CEWE Photo Challenge 2019 "Made in Belgium", 4th prize
Presentation of my own work @ Fotogroep Antwerpen Vzw, 't Zonneputteke, De Ster, Zoersel, September 10
Breedbeeld exhibition "De menselijke grillen" - "Lens op de Mens" @ Dommelhof Neerpelt. Curator: Yirka De Brucker.
Video exhibition "Lens op de mens", Dommelhof Neerpelt
Fotofestival opent nieuwe tentoonstelling Breedbeeld in Dommelhof
Exhibition "Lens op de Mens", International Photo Festival Pelt
Opnieuw kunstroute in Boutersem
Art Trail Boutersem 2019 - Kunstroute Boutersem 2019 (third edition), September 21-22
Exhibition "Zeezucht" GC Staf Versluys Bredene with Belgian painter L.P. Crombé of the Latem School
Eddy Verloes stelt tentoon in Bredene, HLN
Anne Meerbergen schrijft gedichten bij kunstfoto's van Eddy Verloes
Eddy Verloes versus Luc-Peter Crombé
Opening tentoonstelling kunstfotograaf Eddy Verloes, CC Staf Versluys, Bredene, Twitter Steve Vandenbergh
Expo Zeezucht, CC Versluys, Bredene (Belgium)
Exhibition GC De Bosuil, Overijse
Exhibition Stephan Bart Art Gallery, Knokke (Belgium), p. 57
Expo Different Views van Foto Gamma, Leuven (Belgium)
Guest photographer APL26 FotoMagazine p. 1- 23
Eddy Verloes exposeert naast fotografe Lieve Blancquaert, Tongeren (Belgium), Sint-Ursulakapel, September 6-30.
Eddy Verloes naast fotografe Lieve Blancquaert, Het Nieuwsblad
Expo A Moment, Tongeren, Sint-Ursulakapel, September 6 - 30
Eddy Verloes, Photographer of the week (1x.com)
Vredesroute kan worden bewonderd in foto- en gedichtenboek "Als de klaprozen...", Het Nieuwsblad, September 12
Fotograaf Eddy Verloes en dichter Gui Nijs brengen boek uit bij de Vredesroute, Het Nieuwsblad, September 5
Art Trail Boutersem 2018 - Kunstroute Boutersem 2018 (second edition), April 27-29
Gouden Schaar gaat Cubaans, HLN, April 27
Kunstroute Tienen - exhibition AST77 Gallery, May 6 - June 8
Exhibition "Cuba libre" Knokke (Belgium), Gallery Expotempo, September 3 - December 24
Kunstroute door de Bib Boutersem, November 9
Breedbeeld 2016 - p. 45 & p.55
Art Trail Boutersem 2016 - Kunstroute Boutersem 2016 (first edition), September 17-18 + 24
Exhibition" No time to Verloes" Knokke (Belgium), Gallery Expotempo, May 1 - August 31
Exhibition "Groengrijs" Gent, (Belgium), Breedbeeld - photo p. 62-63